The Few, The Loud, The Insane

It’s almost embarrassing to call yourself an American these days. The president of Ukraine was the victim of an ambush at the bequest of Putin. It’s no secret anymore that Uncle Vlad owns Trump. Trump, Vance, Musk Johnson and others are fuckin’ traitors and should be treated as such. Trump wants Ukraine’s mineral resources before he hands that country back to Putin. Then military aid is cut off, Then lets deport all the Ukrainians who came here for asylum. 

Hell, lets get real, lets just deport everyone who doesn’t measure up to to lily white standards of Project 2025. So let me break it down in MAGA language for you. All of us wops, spics, niggers, gooks, beaners, dykes, fags and trannies have to go. That fuckin’ real enough for you? Because that’s the goal, a lily White Christian Nationalist Country where minorities allowed to stay know there place. People from India get a pass because their money white washes them. 

Then we have 90 minute speech bringing up transgendered mice. You stupid, uneducated piece of shit, they said transgenic, but you jumped on it because you heard it as transgendered. Funny how transsexuals are in the fore front of the MAGA ire. You have a VP that wears eyeliner, a President who has to get made up before he gets out of bed, and Senator Lindsey Graham , who has burped more cock than Stormy Dainiels. If your worried about getting boned by a man, look in your own backyard. 

Then you have Elon Musk who is so shit scared of getting shot that he wears a Kevlar vest and uses one of his many toddlers as a bullet shield for his head. So when he isn’t gutting federal agencies, he jerks off into a cup and fertilizes some random 20 year old with his unholy sperm. Yeah, the man isn’t “autistic” he’s a raving lunatic who helped Trump steal the election. And they brag about that. Plus he’s like the creepy kid who blows up fireworks as his space X shit always blows up.

Musk is running the show, Trump nodded out during a cabinet meeting and probably shit himself. MAGAS feel that him shitting himself is “manly”. They had t-shirts that said real men wear diapers. The mental illness untreated is amazing. Trump could take a dump, spray paint it gold and MAGAS would line up to buy it. 

Trump wants to annex Canada. He wants Greenland, he wants to make Gaza Trump & Netenyahoo Land. No foreign aid to anyone but Israel, ask yourself why. The entire world is turning their back on us. Nikita Khrushchev said that Russia would take us without firing a shot. He was right. The Orange Hued God sold his cult out. So no $1 a gallon gas for you losers, and yeah, raise chickens because we ain’t concerned with bird flu, in fact, we don’t care if half the country goes toes up. MAGA for life. 

The damage is done. Secretary of Defense: white supremest, alcoholic, Secretary of health, 14 year heroine addict with mental problems. Head of the FBI; Former quick Check owner who thinks UFC fighters should train agents. It’s a work you stupid fuck. Trump is visibly ailing, he’s nuttier than a squirrel turd and they are letting it go on because their intent was never to keep him there. 

Vance is who they want in charge so they can cram their 2025 agenda up our collective asses. Now trump has even hinted at a gun grab. Yeah, after decades of “the dems are going to take your guns”, it’s going to be that staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment Donald J Trump who is going to strip ammosexuals of their toys. I say give them back one bullet at a time.

And kudos to Senator Al Green who spoke up while the others sat on their hands. The Democratic party is dead. They are cowards, the only ones with any balls are about four women in the party. They should start a 3rd party and let the DNC just die. They keep asking for $$ to fight. Fuck you, we are broke. You put a senile old man in charge because you didn’t want a guy in who could actually help us. This government was never for the people, it was bought & sold like a $5 crack whore. 

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