It Was All Bullshit

Two weeks into the dictatorship and now Elon Musk has all of our financial and personal information. A general was publicly humiliated and lost a star and maybe his pension. Thousands of workers have been told to resign. People who would have trouble finding work as rest room attendants are now in key government positions. People who live here and were born here are getting deported. 

And not a fuckin’ peep out of the Democrats, except to ask for more $$. Well why, did you not take enough grift to feather your retirement like your GOP counterparts? Speaking of grift, where is big mouth Nancy Pelosi? Face it, we were sold out. When did a politician ever keep their promise? I’ll wait. Of course if you personally know a politician, odds are he’ll do something for you. Hell, I could be retired and well off if I kissed a certain senator’s ass in NJ. But I don’t like to owe. 

They talk about the big lie, well the big lie is every fuckin’ election we get promises, (how is the cheap gas and groceries working out for everyone?). Then they get in and it’s gee, I can’t do that. Now people are saying that this election was stolen. No shit, but did you do anything about it? And please don’t tell me about ‘due process”. It doesn’t work, Trump ran out the clock with due process. The bottom line is that we have been fucked by the very people we put our trust in. 

I figured out the scam by the 80’s. I dropped out of the work force and did my own thing. I survived, why? Because I had balls to take on the world, take my beatings, get up and start again. And it worked because I am still here. The only clock I punched was Liquidators for 5 years. And even then I was still my own man. 

Look at the big picture, we elect someone, they make promises. Two years into their term, we get the midterms then his opponents get majorities in both houses. For the next two years everything he tries to pass is shot down. Another election, the same cycle. The other problem are people like Pelosi, McConnel, Grassley , Feinstein ect.who never leave. The Dems are just as responsible for this as the GOP is. 

So in essence, our entire democracy was a fraud. Right now we didn’t win WWII because just look at where we are. Since WWII, we have been in dozens of wars and haven’t won any. Yet we leave the bodies of our children scattered all over the world. We are not fighting to protect ourselves, we are fighting so the rich get richer. And when the veterans come home, they are discarded. Yeah, now we can take over the Gaza strip, but we can’t take care of the military personel who came back damaged. 

And that taking over the Gaza strip is akin to genocide to the Palestinian people, but the Israelis, who scream the loudest about the Holocaust, aren’t above creating another one. Netenyahoo is a monster just like Trump and it’s obvious that he was dealing with Trump behind Biden’s back. This is another land grab by Trump & Israel. He claims he will build nice new homes in another country for the Palestinians. The countries he chose already told him to fuck off. Why not put them in the properties you own?.

 Then we get rid of DEI hires, but you want the ultimate DEI hire, Kash Patel, former 7-11 manager, to run the FBI. So this, to me, is an open & shut case of racism. Then I ask myself, where is Al Sharpton, in fact where is everyone who used to talk big. Scared of the big mouth school yard bully and his butt boy, Elon Musk, an apartheid lover, a transfobe , homophobic racist POS who is now Trump’s BFF. Listen. If there is anyone who has sucked cock and lied about it, it’s Elon Musk. 

General Mark Milley was outed by Trump, demoted and publicly humiliated. He and the military took an oath to defend and protect our Constitution. So where are the rest of our generals? Are they down with this, are they down with taking orders from a drunk? Again, the wall of silence. What is going on is the complete whitewashing of America. It has always been rich, old, white men in charge. The two party system is a joke and people are waking up to that. 

There is only one thing in our favor, we are armed. Both parties have enabled this. We are supposed to get used to our children being turned into raw meat because any attempt to get weapons off the streets have been rebuffed. The blood of our children is on your hands and we are told to get used to it, but wait, a big fat rich white CEO got shot by a guy that his insurance company fucked over. We can’t have that. I mean forget about the poor white guy, black guy. Hispanic guy, ect that was shot & killed in NYC the same fuckin’ day. This guy was rich and that makes him more important than you or eye. I fuckin’ applaud Luigi, and they may try to take our guns, lol, good luck with that. 

To be honest, 7 decades that I have lived with their lies. The fake gas shortage created to drive up prices. Toxic sludge being dropped in our water supply ect. I dropped out in the mid 80’s because I saw though the bullshit. I saw guys work all their lives only to get screwed in the end. I did my own thing, made it work and I have survived without having to punch a clock and take shit. 

We lived a fantasy and now it’s over. You want “normality, well get used to the fact that we all came here from somewhere. As an Italian American, we were considered niggers and we hung right along side of our black brothers in Louisiana. Look it up if you don’t believe me. 

I have worked with African Americans, Latin Americans, Asian Americans, Gay and transgender people too. As a former New Yorker, you don’t last long in any business if you’re a racist. I have friends and fans of all stripes, our love of movies has brought us together. Seems they want us to become a White Christian Nation. Fuck that, the most bland color in the world is white. I won’t live in a dictatorship, I will not sign and oath of loyalty and I won’t let someone slap a bar code on my wrist to keep my SS and medicare. I will fight this, I might die, but the only way your getting me out of my house is feet first. To coin a phase, “ I’ll die on my feet before I serve on my knees.” Bring it. MAGAS, some of us still have teeth.

And to kill a snake, you cut off it’s head. Trump is the head , if he’s gone the MAGA movement falls apart. The MAGAS worship him, they don’t want Musk or Vance. It may be that simple. 

3 Thoughts on “It Was All Bullshit”

  • “It’s the year 2081 and everyone is finally equal.” –Kurt Vonnegut
    Never was the search for peace and tolerance greater now than it was when we first met Pete.
    Made me smile to see that your core philosophy is still “fuck ’em, my way or the highway”, and that you are living and producing your passion. Some people change; some stay crazy but the lucky ones get to do what they want. . It’s always been more fun to stand at the edge and look down. Have you figured out who yet?

  • You were flyin’, I was tryin’ . Somewhere that night you took off like a red Banksy balloon. For all I know, you’re still playin ‘statue’ in the living room. Took me a few months to get a real apartment and back to NJ and away from Orange County, Eva Braun, her rules, and that house of horrors, Hilmar Lodge. Those pics of you in your bathrobe reminded me of the mobman Gigante wandering around NYC. I know you’re on Facebook too, so if your joints arent too stiff feel free to look me up. My AKA on FB is Gianna Teel because 11 years ago I got banned from FB. Email address is my Outlook home email. JPTNJ@LIVE.COM

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