I was thinking of what’ s going on with the court case in NY. As I write this, someone released dick shaped balloons in front of the court house. Pictures of all the judges were on them. Once again the GOP proves that it’s all about the cock. But it goes deeper, elected representatives have been going to NY to cheer Trump on instead of doing the job we pay them to do.
Make no mistake about it, and sure, call me a libtard, un-American ect, whatever makes you fuckin’ happy. I’m not a fan of Biden either, but I am a fan of freedom of expression, creativity, what we HAVE RIGHT NOW. Under Trump, your choices of entertainment will be slim & none. Read up on the religious zealots that are funneling millions his way. You don’t think he’s paying those legal bills, do you?
We will become worse than a dictatorship. Everything will be controlled, a certain senator wants pregnant women to were a “monitor” to ensure their safety. Trump agreed, good idea. He also said women who have abortions should face some kind of punishment. Says the proven rapist, serial cheater, can’t keep little donny in his pants Trump. So if Trump is elected, women are basically owned by men. I can’t remember the name of that jerk off football player who said “I know all you graduate women just can’t wait to get hitched and spit out youngens”. Well it actually was that bad in context. It’s almost like women should just be breeders and that’s it.
When I was growing up, abortions were back alley affairs, some performed by disbarred surgeons with a fondness for liquor or drugs. Many a woman died from these procedures. Then you had regular doctors that did them on the DL for well heeled clients. No paper trail, because it was all on paper back then, that’s why they could get away with things. Not today, you fart, 2 seconds later, it’s on Facebook.
But Trump is proud that he broke the back of Roe vs.Wade, he reminds us of that every waking moment. He also thinks that Hannibal Lecter was a real person. Well, there’s your perfect running mate. When you look at all the senators backing him, you wonder who was stupid enough to elect them. Right here in my backward ass state, we have Jockstrap Jim Jordan, pedo enabler and dresses like a discount appliance salesman. He investigates people, that’s all he does. He looks like he needs a bath.
Then you have VD , I mean JD Vance, whose lips are so firmly entrenched in Trump’s orange ass that he can tell you what fast food he ate last night. Then MTG, who really hates transgender women, probably because they actually look like woman, not a horsefaced methhead. Racist, homophobe, and Russian meat puppet, she has all the charm of an un-flushed toilet. Remember Jewish Space Lazers?” Another perfect running mate. So his core group of supporters are dog killers, self loathing closeted, gay men, Russian assets, religious fanatics, White Nationalists, ect. Nice right? These people also would have handed Putin Ukraine and will do exactly that if Trump gets in.
We have been extremely lucky except for 911. If you think what’s happening in Ukraine and Gaza couldn’t happen here, well , think harder. People didn’t think someone would fly a plane into the World Trade Center, but they did. I was there, I saw the whole fuckin’ thing. Would you want something like that to happen everyday, in every city? Wake the fuck up, this man isn’t the messiah, he’s a scumbag who was handed everything and has conned and exploited everything and everyone. First there’s money, then there’s fame, then there’s power, then, it’s not enough, it’s absolute power.
I have seen way too much in my lifetime, but this is the worst I have ever seen this country. It is owned by a bunch of rich dirt bags that have been insidiously enabled since the Reagan era. More money than they could ever spend in a lifetime, yet their boy makes fuckin’ sure that they didn’t have to pay their fair share.
Trump keeps slipping and saying Reich, only he’s not slipping. He wants to be like Hitler, Stalin, and his buddies Putin and Un, he wants that absolute power and he’s stupid. Stupid enough to be manipulated by the Evangeical right, the people behind project 25, and corporate America. Didn’t he just almost extort the oil companies for a huge donation? Trump is what we used to call a “candy store gangster”, a winnable tough guy who folds at the first sign of danger.
Trump has the Supreme Court in his pocket, now Alito has been found out as a Jan 6 sympathizer. Odds are the Court is going to give him total immunity for his crimes. It seems the entire country is cowed by a big mouth bully, my problem is why does this orange turd intimidate so many?
Yeah, the members of the GOP have many secrets. I guess Trump knows all of them.
I also think Trump will pull out of the debates. He needs a cheering section and he won’t get it. He wants Biden tested for drugs, but he constantly grinds his jaw, can you spell Adderal? I honestly hate politics, but I like the freedom I have, like to write this. We have two choices, status quo & or a likely dictatorship. Yeah, both Biden & Trump may have early onset dementia, but I’d rather deal with a senile old man than a raving lunatic.
The Election was rigged!
The Trial was rigged!
The Supreme Court is rigged! Oops, that one is real, uh…
The debates are rigged!
The left is weaponizing the Legal system, so we’re going to weaponize the legal system and go after anyone who has a whiff of sanity in this country (heh heh, grab ’em by the cunt-tree, heh heh).
You all think these are the End Days and you want to see the return of the Messiah. I ain’t him, but I’m the guy he’s coming back for. Yeah, you’ll get to see him, if he exists. Christ, I didn’t even know who he was until James Dobson, host of Fuck-ups on the Family , called me a baby Christian. Dobson says a baby’s have no concept of who Gawd or Jeebus is, but someday they could be Christians. So, yeah, cause I can be a complete GODDAM FUCKING PSYCHO RAPIST COCKSUCKING PEDOPHILE NAZI TRAITOR, but so long as I BUH-LEAVE, I’m A-OJ Simpson-K as far as the Ruhlijus Reich is concerned (and they ain’t really concerned).
Vote for me, I have none of your best intentions at Hort.