The Scum Also Rises

I was really pissed as 10 Democrats went with the spending bill. What I didn’t know was that if the bill didn’t pass, Trump would get “emergency” powers. So it seems we are holding on by a thread. Trump has Elon Musk at his side constantly. He’s now “buying“ a Nazicar but doesn’t know how to drive. Elon’s son, Mini Me from Austin Powers is always there. Trump says that “Little X” calls him Dada. I wonder if he made the 13 year old that he raped called him Dada.

Honestly, I don’t know if anyone reads this. Problem with me & the internet has been that people from my past contact me thinking I’m the same person I was 20 years ago. I’m not that guy, I have evolved past drinking a 5th of vodka at cons ,judging costume contests, and doing “charity” auctions where the money winds up in the promoters pocket. I was reminded in an issue of Shock Cinema that 42nd Street Pete has been entertaining people for over 3 decades. 

That made me think. For a guy that has been blackballed, I managed to do a lot in over 30 years. A line of close to 3 dozen DVDS that still sell. A 21 issue run of Grindhouse Purgatory. 5 books one that  is OOP, and the rest still sell. A radio show that lasted for over 5 years. So when I’m told that  I should just stick to movies here, well that isn’t why this website was created. 

The good people at the Fusebox Show created this website for me because others wouldn’t touch it. They wanted me to have a venue outside of Youtube and Facebook so I wouldn’t be shut down. As for movies, Fusebox show has my Grindhouse Moment on every show. You have Youtube, you have a magazine, you have my books, but hey, I aim to fuckin’ please so here’s a movie .

Blue Collar 1978 directed by Paul Schrader, starring Richard Pryor, Harvey Keitel, and Yaphet Kotto. All three are auto workers who are getting fucked over by their union. So they decide to rob a safe, but instead of money, they find files of corruption. So they attempt a little blackmail. The powers that be offer a deal. One sells out the other two. One of the other two gets murdered. The survivor agrees to testify. The film ends with a confrontation between the two where they lung at each other, then that frame is freezed. A voice intones “ They pit the lifers against the new guys, the young against the old, and the black against the white. Everything they do is to keep us in our place.”

So movies aren’t political? Guess again. Back in the 60’s though the late 70’s, they all were political. “They” the powers behind the power? Edmund O’Brien in the Wild Bunch spat out the word ”They” after the botched robbery. “They” stayed in the shadows, now they are out in the open. The mask is off. Democracy as we thought it, is being erased. But I shouldn’t speak of it, well, fuck people who think that. 

What kept a lot of this in check was intelligent minds like Hunter S Thompson, George Carlin, Al Goldstein, Frank Zappa and others. We don’t have people like that. Yeah, I speak out for a lot of reasons. You take away the social security and medicare from me, I will be dead within a year. Maybe that’s the plan, as Musk has said empathy is a weakness. So they seem to be willing to kill off about a 4th of the population by taking something away that they paid for. 

If you want to end Social Security, just give us all back what we paid into it plus interest. I’ll gladly take that because I could invest it better than they can. But then Trump’s insane tariffs have already tanked the stock market. Now Trump is doing what I have feared, he’s going after anyone he thinks has wronged him. I can see Jack Smith, Liz Chaney, and others “vanishing”. 

Now the big question is, if anyone reading this saw their friends being dragged out of their house by Trump’s “police” are you going to try and stop them? Or are you going to be history repeating itself and think “too bad for them, but I’m glad it’s not me?” Me, I see any of this shit going on, I will try and stop it. Yeah, maybe they’ll gun me down and walk over my corpse. But I’d rather go out that way than to take a knee before a scumbag dictator.

One Thought on “The Scum Also Rises”

  • Worry not, Pete. Those of us who CAN still read, and who know the score, are still reading what you write, and fucking well know that if the shit hits the fan for one of us personally, we’ll go down fighting with their blood on our fingers and teeth. March On !

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