Welcome to 2025

First, to anyone who has purchased any of my work, my sincere thanks. Just a heads up, if there is a problem with your purchase, email me at mr42ndstreetpete@yahoo.com. Realize that I’m a one man show with this, I pick, I pack and I ship. It’s that simple. So far only one fuck up that I resolved. So where was I? 

Simple answer, back in October after a couple on camera meltdowns, I decided that it was time to retire 42nd Street Pete. Why? I honestly felt that I was unappreciated and that my presence was just being tolerated. Then the constant issues of publishing a magazine. I’m a writer and I know how to market & sell stuff. I do not know how to format, layout, or any of that. That became a problem because people I trusted to do that dropped the ball. 

And in dropping the ball, I was left dealing with the fallout. So I was going to get # 4 done and end my over 30 year run. My girl, Lorina, stepped up and took over the stuff I couldn’t do. Love, you Lorina. So all the missing articles were gathered as these writers did great stuff and it deserved to be read. So I posted on face book that I would do one you tube show for Halloween every day in October, then I was gone. 

Well the out pouring of love was something I never expected. Seems that me admitting my battle with depression and suicide struck a nerve with some people. Yeah, I had every intention of ending my life before 2025. Then something happened. My older dog, Bootz, who could sleep though an explosion, found me in my office in the middle of the night. She took my hand in her mouth and led me back to bed. The message was clear, you took me and Blanca in and you can’t leave us. They are right, I can’t. I will never abandon an animal in my care. 

So, with that and that so many people reached out and told me that what I was doing helped them though a rough time, made them think, or gave them the occasional laugh, I’ll be sticking around. My problem with all of the kudos is why do people wait until someone is dead, or in my case ,right on the edge, to give them these kudos? I do appreciate them, but a friend chimed in and said, “it’s the same as if you died.” I have always told other actors, artists, ect that I enjoyed their work. How fuckin hard is it to pay someone a compliment? 

As for Grindhouse Resurrection, it will continue. Might be just once a year, but I plan to cover the Grindhouse scene with an issue about the 60’s, and one for the 70’s, then the 80’s. After the 80’s it was all over anyway. It will be as big or bigger than the last issue. I have already set this in motion with some of the writers.

Now for the elephant in the room. The 1% now control this country. The lies, bullying and hatred are reaching a fever pitch. More than half the country wanted another old man back in charge. Forget how he dropped the ball during the pandemic, forget that he led an insurrection, forget that he is now a convicted felon, we got the asshole back again and we aren’t going to get rid of him. Even worse, he wrapped his liver lips around the cock of the richest man on the planet. An apartheid loving, racist, homophobic piece of shit called Elon Musk. And it’s looks like he’s co president.

Face facts, both parties suck. Biden should have never ran, but ego took over. Then his party threw him under the bus. Harris didn’t have a prayer, 3 month to run a campaign? It was set up to fail because congress people get in office, stay in office and retire millionaires and that didn’t come from the salaries they got. They are bought & paid for by corporations. Then we fight back.

Seems the police chief of NYC and the mayor are very upset about a certain CEO dying of lead poisoning. They screamed that Luigi should not be admired and how horrible this was. Really? A rich, crooked white guy gets killed. How many blacks, poor whites, Hispanics, and Asians get killed in that city on a daily basis, but they don’t get headlines, only rich white victims get headlines. And you know what? they own this shit. 

Any attempt to control the sale of guns has been shot down for decades. So they have allowed us to arm ourselves and now you can’t take the guns away. And one just got used to take out a greedy bastard whose corporate greed cause people to loose their homes, their savings and sometimes their lives. So do I care about a dead CEO? Fuck no, I care about the veteran who froze to death in the street, I care about the homeless in Cleveland that can’t get help because a domed stadium is more important, I care about the people and animals affected by the wildfires, I care about my friends and fans and that is the reason I will keep this going.

So, a big thank you to Fusebox, Grindhouse Releasing, and you, the fans who keep me going. I’ll try to do more on here. With the channel, the mag and other shit, I’m juggling a lot of stuff. But I will keep it real. 

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